Videos aren’t exactly new to the marketing world, but what is new is just how important they’ve become. Videos perform well on nearly every platform, meaning they should be central to your marketing plan. Why is video marketing so effective? For starters, your viewers want to see videos; they’re actually the preferred content for brands. But videos are more …
Simao Alves
Are You a Good Neighbor?
We know it’s important to love thy neighbor, but do you ever stop to consider if thy neighbor loves thee back? It is an inevitable fact of life that no matter where you are, you are going to have to interact with other people. Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, human interaction shouldn’t …
A Realtor’s Guide to Maintaining Positive Energy
Let’s face it–we all avoid that certain someone who is constantly complaining, continually stressed, or just always in a bad mood. Why? Their energy is contagious, and being around negative energy can seriously bring you down. For better or worse, your energy affects so much around you, including other people. Your energy can have a …
The Realtor’s Guide to Delegation
People admire the hard worker. The boss who’s willing to roll up her sleeves and get her hands dirty. The manager who doesn’t see himself as “above” the rest of his team. However, it is possible to take on too much. When we try to tackle every task possible, we spread ourselves too thin. We get burnt …
Hang up on the Cold Calls: Utilize Text and Social Media Messaging
Cold calls: most people don’t enjoy making them, and even fewer people enjoy answering them. Cold calling used to be the go-to sales approach. Nowadays, however, the success of the cold call is quickly dwindling. Maybe people are more time-constricted than they used to be. Maybe we’re used to our phones being flooded with spam …
A Home Inspection Guide: Plumbing
It’s funny we never think about plumbing until there is a problem. From the kitchen sink, bathtub, and toilet, plumbing is a significant part of any home. It is so important to know what condition it is in! At LESA Inspections, we follow InterNACHI, International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, guidelines. Here’s What You Can Expect Step …
Build Your Very Own Smart Home
The thought of converting your home into a smart home can be overwhelming. There are so many options to choose from and directions to take. Here are some things to consider before you start building your smart home. Your Network In order to have a smart home, you’ll need a reliable wireless internet connection. You’ll …
Backlinks: The Road to Real Estate Success
Last week we talked about the blog in all its glory. Today, we’re going to talk about backlinks and what they can do for your real estate business. What are they? Backlinks are links leading to your website from another website. Clicking on the link will take the viewer directly to your page. Think of them as roads …
How Great SEO Equals a Higher Google Ranking
How does your company get on Google’s first page? Well, a popular belief is you pay. And you pay a lot. What a myth! Here we are going to share some tips of the trade to up your Google ranking. First Step – The Right Keyword Your keyword is the word most people are searching for. …
Cross-Promoting in Real Estate: Easy, Effective, Cheap!
Working in the Real Estate Industry grants you access to a whole network of people. You’re constantly crossing paths with mortgage lenders, contractors, insurance agents, home inspectors, and real estate agents. It’s time to start utilizing those connections through cross-promotional marketing! THE BASICS Cross-promoting is an easy and dependable marketing tool. It’s the concept of using …